Mission, value, vision

The association has as its objectives:

To foster the interests of its sector of industry, by clarifying its policy and providing channels of communication and negotiation with other bodies.

To ensure that, it’s sector of industry plays its full part in the interest of the European Union at large and to foster trade in its sector of industry.

To represent the interest of its sector of industry as a whole, or any constituent part thereof, in dealings with the governments of the EU countries, the Commission of the EU, other foreign countries and with trade organisations and all other bodies on matters relating to and affecting its sector of industry.

To revise existing and to promote new technical standards as may from time to time be necessary for trade throughout the EU and the rest of the world.

To join in membership and take an active part in other international organisations as may be from time to time necessary and appropriate.

To organise and facilitate the collection, co-ordination and presentation of reliable statistics for its sector of industry provided that in this and all activities the Association shall comply with the requirements of EU Competition law.

To provide senior management members of manufacturers servicing the welding industry a forum to:

  • Improve technical and commercial standards in the welding industry;
  • Improve understanding of the welding industry market and its needs;
  • Promote the welding industry worldwide.
  • Promote the safe use of the welding and cutting processes

To enhance the image of welding and welding manufacturing as a career choice, and as an industry crucial to building and maintaining the global economic infrastructure.